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Global Leadership Exchange

Leading Change: Flourishing Communities and Wellbeing for All

On June 24 and 25, and on June 29 and 30, over 30 groups of existing and emerging leaders, those with theoretical knowledge and lived experience worked on the so-called matches: diverse themes on mental health, substance use care and disability care. Most of the matches will continue their work in the time towards the next Global Leadership Exchange in Canada in 2026. Please mail if you’re interested in joining this work. The videos below give an impression on some of the themes discussed.

Working to enhance mental health in the general population is increasingly necessary, in order to be able to have enough resources for crisis care and crucial mental health care. In this match, policies, programs and examples that promote mental health for all were discussed and mental health initiatives for neighbourhoods, schools and workplaces in Utrecht, the Netherlands, were visited. Work will continue, to create a shared language for population mental health and its inititiatives.

In Heiloo, the Netherlands, participants worked on the integration of peer leadership into systems beyond hierarchical roles and on promoting community care. Leadership principles and resources needed for effective implementation of peer leadership were explored, emphasizing "servant leadership," "convening," and "network weaving". The "Heiloo Declaration" was created as a living document to guide future work. A thought piece summarizing insights will be released in October 2024 to support global peer leadership practices.

Over 100 global leaders in acute psychiatry discussed their roles as first responders and established global crisis care principles together. These principles can help public health leaders shape and improve global behavioral health systems and outcomes. This is something that will be developed further. Also, the concept of “Peer first, Peer last” - working together with people with lived experience in acute care was explored.

On June 26 – 28, Global Leadership Exchange participants came together in the Jaarbeurs in Utrecht. The programme was filled with interesting panels, speakers, and exchanges on the previous match discussions. The attention of Her Majesty Queen Máxima for the Global Leadership Exchange and several worldwide youth initiatives on mental health helped to create visibility and take steps towards a brighter future.

Network Meeting, Jaarbeurs
Gracht in Utrecht

Worldwide we work for mental health and resilience. To realize this, it helps when we exchange good practices. During the Global Leadership Exchange, we did just that. Thrive Amsterdam, for mental health and resilience in the city of Amsterdam, is the result of a previous edition of the Global Leadership Exchange. Thrive encourages the citizens of Amsterdam to invest in their own mental health, often with fun activities.

Her Majesty Queen Máxima visited the Global Leadership Exchange. She listened to a panel on women’s leadership for equity and inclusion, as well as a panel of youth giving their perspectives on flourishing and wellbeing. She then exchanged views with representatives from youth initiatives for mental health around the world.

Youth initiatives around the world

All MIND Us activities are organized with, for, and by young people. With our team and partners, we make our dream of a mentally healthy youth come true.

Her Majesty Queen Máxima at MIND US

SCLD and Inspiring Scotland developed a leadership course for people with learning disabilities. This course identifies and builds their leadership skills, and enables them to take more control of their own lives. This can include securing employment, and starting to influence their world.

Her Majesty Queen Máxima and SCLD and Inspiring Scotland